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News Brief

Aug. 8, 2019St. Joseph, MO |  By: Ryan Woltkamp

Open house & ribbon cutting ceremony for new St. Joe animal shelter to be held Friday

The city of St. Joseph Health Department Animal Control and Rescue will be attending the open house and ribbon cutting ceremony hosted by Friends of the Animal Shelter tomorrow to offer the public a chance to tour the building that will be renovated as the new animal shelter.

Humane educator at St. Joseph Animal Control and Rescue, Jennifer Lockwood, says Animal Control and Rescue will offer onsite adoptions at the event along with promoting their other services.

"The community and the public are going to be able to see what a great building this is.  It allows us to have so much more space for not just the animals, but for the staff and volunteers as well.  There's a beautiful green space to walk animals around on.  It's going to allow better space to occupy our animals, just to cut down on disease and such, so that there will be separate wings and wards for animals that may be sick or nursing animals.  So it's going to be a great thing once it's set and done for us to be able to move over there."

The Friends of the Animal Shelter Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held Friday, August 9th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at 5909 Corporate Drive in St. Joseph.